Pri. B I Patel Human Resource Development Center (HRDC)

In pursuance of the vision of CHARUSAT to emerge as a World Class University, Pri. B I Patel Human Resource Development Center (HRDC) has been established. It was inaugurated on April 14, 2011, in the august presence of Prof. Dinesh Awasty, Director, EDI as the Chief Guest and Mr Dangayach, MD, Sintex Plastics as the Guest of Honour.
As a tribute to veteran educationist Late Shri B I Patel who was also Vice President of Kelavani Mandal, the Centre carries his name.
The Centre, primarily, takes care of employee training and development at CHARUSAT through enriching knowledge, sharpening skills, and fostering attitude. In future, it also plans to organize training and development programs for the employees of other organizations.

Vision Workshops

During the initial year, a total of fourteen two-day workshops were conducted for exposing the faculty to VISION Document of CHARUSAT and sensitizing them to the goals and objectives of CHARUSAT. In all, 246 faculty members attended the workshops. Similarly, two one-day workshops were organized for the non-teaching staff, attended in all by 57 members.

Competency Mapping Workshops

Then, HRDC also undertook a competency mapping exercise to assess the development needs of the faculty and non-teaching staff of CHARUSAT. The exercise was carried out through fourteen workshops, in which a total of 217 faculty members participated.

Other Programs

In addition to the above, initially, HRDC organized a seminar by Dr. VG Patel on “How to Teach”, a talk on Education in US Universities by Prof. Rebecca Manring of Indiana University and an interactive Yoga Practice session-cum-lecture on “To Live is to Grow” by Yogacharya Shri Bhaandevji for the benefit of the faculty and non-teaching staff of CHARUSAT.

Attitudinal Change Training Programme

Attitudinal Change Training Programme was held on 12th November 2013 to 23rd November 2013 for non-teaching staff. 108 members participated in the training programme. In the program, the participants were made aware about various aspects of Personality, Understanding nuance of Teams and one’s own behaviour pattern in a team, Importance of Visitor or customer in the campus, Importance of Communication and Understanding more in detail of FIRO-B. Training was delivered in the form of Administration of Test, Team Games, Screening of films, Roleplay and Case study.

Summer Training Programme

Summer Training Programme on Soft Skills for faculty members of CHARUSAT was conducted from 22nd May 2014 to 22nd July 2014 by Pri. B. I. Patel Human Resource Development Centre. In all, 162 faculty members of various institutes of CHARUSAT participated in the Training Programme in different batches.
The Programme was titled The New You and was conducted in collaboration with Advance Management Practice & Leadership Excellence Pvt Ltd., Vadodara. Topics covered under the programme were: Attitudinal Change, Leadership, Communication, and Mentoring.

Training for Interactive Pad

Training Programme for Interactive Board was organized on November 28th, 2013 for teaching staff. It was held with an aim to bring awareness about the usage of the interactive pad for further use as a tool of teaching method. In all, twenty-five Faculty members representing different institutes attended the programme.

Prof. S K Patel’s Interaction

Interaction of Prof. S. K Patel with the teaching staff of Charusat on the topic Developing Communication skills for improved teaching and Administration was held on 8th & 16th January 2014. Prof. S. K Patel delivered a talk on how to be a good teacher by improving communication skills. He also interacted with the faculties pursuing their Ph D about their topic and time management. Another talk by Dr Patel was also arranged on February 1, 2015, for all the teaching and non-teaching staff of CHARUSAT.

Talk-A-Thon – A Discussion Forum

Talk-a-thon – a forum for discussion was organized for the teaching staff of CHARUSAT. It proved to be a platform for faculties to initiate and interact, discuss and learn, think and express their ideas on the given topic. Series of Talk-a-thon successfully completed twenty-eight sessions on general to global themes and subjects. Talk-a- thon was scheduled on every Tuesday and Friday of the week where faculties would come, discuss and share their ideas.

Swami Anubhavanandaji’s Motivational Discourse

A motivational discourse of Swami Anubhavanandaji was arranged on 28th January 2014 for the CHARUSAT employees comprising teaching and non- teaching staff and also students. In all, 450 people attended the inspirational talk on Positive Attitude in Life.

Expert Talk by Dr V G Patel

An Expert Talk by Dr V G Patel, a Member of Governing Body of CHARUSAT was organized on Work Culture in University on March 22, 2014. He addressed the Teaching as well as non-teaching staff of CHARUSAT to make them aware of how to make University Future ready. Dr V G Patel also conducted a survey on the work culture of CHARUSAT on the basis of five parameters. In all, 140 participants responded to the survey.

Societal Activities

Uniquely, HRDC took an initiative to meet the stakeholders of CHARUSAT. Meetings started with 20 auto drivers of Valetva and Changa as they are the first persons who meet with parents and students. HRDC invited them to the university on June 14, 2014, and interacted for an hour. To disseminate more information about CHARUSAT, a video about CHARUSAT was shown to them. Few activities at CHARUSAT and its institutes were explained to them. An enquiry was also made whether they had any issues with the university that need to be addressed.
A similar exercise was carried out for other People from villages nearby Changa. They were invited at CHARUSAT on June 21, 2014, to bring about awareness in them regarding CHARUSAT and its programmes. In all, 35 people attended the meet.
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